Thursday, January 31, 2013

Belly & Butt at 26 weeks

I just got a 2 thumbs up from my OB at my 26 week appointment!  Baby Girl is doing great and right on track!  I have been super lucky and only gained 10 pounds...mostly all in my belly & butt!

Baby Girl is just under 2 pounds and is the size of a large zucchini!

Also had to take my glucose tolerance test this week...fortunately I PASSED!  Basically I drink this super sugary drink and they check my blood sugar.  No gestational diabetes for me!  Baby girl loved the sugar rush! :) 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

25 weeks!

At the end of my 25th week and still feeling great!  Starting to really show and starting to feel BIG!
Baby girl is weighing 1 1/2 pounds and is the size of a squash!

As suspected, my belly button is officially an "Outtie"  

Sunday, January 20, 2013

24 weeks

Little one already weighs 1 pound!! Crazy that in 3 1/2 months she will be here!!  We have lots to accomplish before then!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Getting the nursery ready

Still have a ways to go, but...

Picking out paint colors! 

Closet is getting organized!  Notice the cool boots on the top shelf!  Those were mine as a kid...I was fashionable even back then! :)

This is the dress that my sister and I were brought home from the hospital in close to 35 years ago!
Can't wait to bring sweet baby girl home wearing the same dress!

Tiny Dancer

Our sweet baby girl is tap dancing! It is so fun to feel AND see her move!

Can't believe I am 23 weeks along! Baby girl is now the size of a mango!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013!

It is overwhelming to think that this is the year that our baby will be born!!  
Happy 2013!

Our LAST New Year's card with a picture of JUST US on it!!