Friday, June 28, 2013

Parker True Langley

Welcome to the world Parker True Langley!
April 15, 2013
6 pounds 1 ounce
19 inches
1:54 pm

On the morning of April 15, 2013 (TAX DAY!!) at 1:09 am I was awoken by my first contraction!  Ouch!  10 minutes later I had another, then another, then another.  Finally at 4am I woke up Ross and told him it was time!  He was in disbelief...and still pretty sleepy!  I called my OB who told me to wait until my contractions got closer together before going to the hospital.  (She was thinking this might be false labor.)  At 6:30 am I called my OB again with contractions that were 5-6 minutes apart and she told me to head to the hospital.  I woke up Ross again and told him it was REALLY time for a baby!  Ross was very doubtful that this was real labor...after all I wasn't due for another 3 weeks and it was the busiest day of the year for him!  Ross was very sleepy and very grouchy, but managed to get up and get ready to take me to the hospital.  I called my mom and told her to be on standby!  Ross also woke up his parents (they were staying with us that night) and told them we were on our way to the hospital...and off we went!!

We got to The Woman's Hospital at about 7:30 in the morning.  We checked in and they sent us up to the labor and delivery floor.  Our nurse, Erin, then took us to the "testing room" where we were greeted by another nurse who put me in a gown and hooked me up to a monitor.  The plan was for me to stay there until they could confirm I was in labor.  Well, that didn't take long!  I was having pretty strong contractions and the nurse said I was 4 cm dilated.  Ross asked, "What does that mean?" and the nurse replied, "It's a good day to have a baby!" So off we went!  We went back the the labor and delivery floor, got settled in a room, called our family and friends and waited the arrival of our sweet baby!

Shortly after I got settled in our room my OB broke my water.  After 45 minutes of strong contractions I got my epidural...thank goodness!  After my epidural I felt great!  Rick and Becky came into the room to keep us company, I talked to my family, and just relaxed.  At about 12:30 I started to feel nauseous and threw up...YUCK!  The next think I know, they were telling me I was compete!  It was all happening so fast!  Ross and I had no time to even be nervous!  My OB, Dr. Jurney, showed up at about 1 pm and told us it was time to start pushing....and did I ever!  Ross was a super leg holder and counter!  It took almost an hour of pushing, and then there she was! 

Dr. Jurney held up Parker and she was so tiny!  She put Parker on my chest and Ross and I cried tears of joy! What a miracle!  What a blessing!  We knew our lives would never be the same.  I could have never been prepared for the instant love connection that we had with our sweet baby girl!  We are so blessed and excited to be her parents and look forward to learning so much from her!


Sunday, April 14, 2013

36 1/2 weeks

Officially ready to have a baby!!! The uncomfortable stage of pregnancy has set in!

It looks to me as though she has dropped!  My stomach is as hard as a rock and I can feel every part of her body poking me as if she is begging to get out! :) You can see her butt sticking out on my right side and her feet poking me on the left!  She is ready to see the world! 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

In exactly 1 month...

She will be here!! She has no name, but she has a super cute stroller!! Can't wait to push her around in it!!!

35 weeks

Can she grow anymore??? She weighs 5 1/2 pounds and is 18 inches long!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

34 1/2 weeks and still smiling!!

Baby girl weighs 5 pounds and is the size of a small pumpkin!! Hard to believe she still has room to grow in there! Doctors say to be prepared for a 7-7 1/2 pound baby!!

I went to see my OB today and she ordered another ultrasound... just to make sure that there was enough fluid.  You can literally see every part of her body poking through my stomach!  Everything looks great and I am 1.5-2 cm dilated and 80% effaced!  Now I am off to my last call shift before she gets here!  Hopefully I don't go into labor tonight! :)

Friday, March 29, 2013

34 weeks

5 pounds and 3 ounces....that is how much baby girl already weighs!!! We were so excited to get to see her again this week. She is still head down and in the "fetal position"! She could come any day now!!!

You can tell she has her momma's nose!

Already giving the "hook em"

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Work baby shower

My sweet coworkers threw me a baby shower this week! I can't get over how loved our little girl is already!! They did so much to make the shower so special!!

Yummy cupcakes with strollers on them!

Onsie cookies

Baby feet cookies!

My favorite girls stroller!  Finally I have a way to get her around town!

Nursery is coming along

I had a great time getting organized with Tootsie last week!! We got things set up in the nursery and even got her car seat installed! Baby girls is ready for a safe ride home!

Tootsie and I put up Baby girls wall decal...a true labor of love, but totally worth it!

Still needs some decorating, but can't wait to change diapers on this changing table!!

A girl can never have too many bows!

Safely installed car seat!

33 weeks/baby shower!!

Had a wonderful baby shower last weekend hosted by my beautiful friends!! I got some amazing presents and can't wait for baby girl to get to use all her new stuff! 

Hard to believe that she she weighs 4 pounds!

Got to spend the day with my sweet friend Kristy who is expecting a baby boy in the middle of May!

Baby Girls beautiful grandmothers: Millie and Tootsie!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

32 weeks

Got to see our sweet baby girl in 3D this week!! Didn't get the best images because she was covering up her face...but we did get a glimpse of how cute she is!! Can't believe she is 17 inches long and almost 4 pounds!!  8 weeks till she gets here!

Her sweet face, eyes, and nose

Her little leg...all folded up in there!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Baby shower!!

Feeling so blessed to get to share my baby shower with my sister!  We had a beautiful shower and got so many adorable things for our babies! Wish we lived closer to each other!

The big 3-0!!

Made it to 30 weeks and feeling good!! Someone at work asked me if I was having twins! I knew I looked big, but come on!! Some people say the craziest things!

Baby Girl is almost 3 pounds and is the size of a zucchini!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

29 weeks

Finally got Ross to take some pics of me!! 29 weeks and feeling great!! There is no denying that there is a baby in there!! Ross and I spent the weekend in Austin at Uncle Joel's house and spent time with our friends before baby girl gets here!

Baby Girl is 2 3/4 pounds and 15 inches long.  She is the size of a small cabbage! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

28 weeks!!

Officially starting to feel BIG...but so grateful for every second of it!!

Our little girl is 2 1/2 pounds!  Can't believe she is going to triple in size before we can meet her!
Her kicks are super strong now and she "dances" constantly!

Third trimester!!

I have made it to the third trimester!!! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has flown by!!
At 27 weeks, our tiny dancer is almost 2 pounds and the size of a large zucchini!!

Please excuse the bathrobe picture!!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Belly & Butt at 26 weeks

I just got a 2 thumbs up from my OB at my 26 week appointment!  Baby Girl is doing great and right on track!  I have been super lucky and only gained 10 pounds...mostly all in my belly & butt!

Baby Girl is just under 2 pounds and is the size of a large zucchini!

Also had to take my glucose tolerance test this week...fortunately I PASSED!  Basically I drink this super sugary drink and they check my blood sugar.  No gestational diabetes for me!  Baby girl loved the sugar rush! :) 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

25 weeks!

At the end of my 25th week and still feeling great!  Starting to really show and starting to feel BIG!
Baby girl is weighing 1 1/2 pounds and is the size of a squash!

As suspected, my belly button is officially an "Outtie"  

Sunday, January 20, 2013

24 weeks

Little one already weighs 1 pound!! Crazy that in 3 1/2 months she will be here!!  We have lots to accomplish before then!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Getting the nursery ready

Still have a ways to go, but...

Picking out paint colors! 

Closet is getting organized!  Notice the cool boots on the top shelf!  Those were mine as a kid...I was fashionable even back then! :)

This is the dress that my sister and I were brought home from the hospital in close to 35 years ago!
Can't wait to bring sweet baby girl home wearing the same dress!

Tiny Dancer

Our sweet baby girl is tap dancing! It is so fun to feel AND see her move!

Can't believe I am 23 weeks along! Baby girl is now the size of a mango!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013!

It is overwhelming to think that this is the year that our baby will be born!!  
Happy 2013!

Our LAST New Year's card with a picture of JUST US on it!!