Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pregnant in scrubs

One great thing about my job is that I get to wear scrubs everyday!  They are very forgiving on my pregnant belly!  You can hardly tell I am 22 weeks pregnant!!

Baby Langley is 11 inches long and weighs 1 pound!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lots of stuff from Santa!

Baby Girl Langley got so many wonderful things for Christmas!  Her closet is already full!

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas and were super spoiled!

Baby Langley is 21 weeks old and can fit in the palm of your hand!  
Over half way done!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

20 weeks!

Everything is going great!  Baby GIRL is kicking up a storm and moved all over the screen for her ultrasound this morning!  She sure is a cutey!  We were thrilled to find out that all of her anatomy looks PERFECT!
Baby GIRL is about 10 inches long and the size of a banana!

Her cute little foot with all her toes!

Starting to look pregnant..finally!

California dreamin'

Had a nice weekend in California with Ross
Baby girl's first trip to the beach!

 19 weeks!  Baby girl weighs 1/2 pound and is the size of a soft ball!

Proud poppa!

Already being spoiled!

We have already received so many adorable gifts for our little girl!
I hope she knows how loved she is already!

 First game day dress!

First sleep sac!  I hear these are the best!

Lots of lovies!

1st cousin

Another blessing!  Baby Langley already has a first cousin! 

Baby Yozwiak is due June 2013...6 weeks after Baby Langley!
Congrats to my sister and her husband!

WWG... Wednesday Wine Group

As most of you know, I belong to a very elite group of women...WWG! :)  Our mission is to get together weekly and dink wine!  Even with baby on board, we have been successful getting together...I just skip the wine!  I was so excited to finally tell them that we were having a GIRL!!
We were all excited even before I opened up the box!  Excuse all the screaming and dancing.  And yes this is all normal behavior when we get together! :)
Alexa and Kristen were there is spirit! :)

Sugar and Spice and everything nice!!


We are so excited and blessed to be welcoming a little girl into our family!  
Even better, we got to share the news with my family over Thanksgiving!!
Baby GIRL is 16 weeks old, weighs 4 ounces and is the size of an avocado!

Hard to tell, but this is the ultrasound pic that reveals girl parts!  (I know...I don't see it either!
 Gender reveal cake...about to tip over!!

About to make the big cut....will the center be blue or pink?

Video of the big reveal...warning....lots of screaming!! :)

Maternity Clothes at 18 weeks!

Not sure how I feel about jeans that come up passed my belly button, but they sure are comfortable!

Baby Girl Langley is 18 weeks old and about the size of a pear!
She weighs roughly 8 ounces!

12 weeks...first trimester is flying by!

Other than a runny nose, fatigue and the occasional drop in blood sugar, the first trimester has been great!

Baby Langley at 12 weeks!
Now the size of a key lime!

9 weeks and counting

Starting to actually look like a baby!  Baby Langley is 9 weeks and the size of a grape!

Baby Langley's 1st football game

At only 8 weeks pregnant we made the trip to Mississippi for the Texas vs Ole Miss football game.
Baby Langley has lots of Texas football his/her future!
At 8 weeks Baby Langley is the size of a jelly bean!

One month down....8 to go!

Hard to believe there is a baby in there!!  At four weeks Baby Langley is smaller than a grain of rice!  Will my stomach ever be this flat again? :)

A Year of Firsts!

2012 has included lots of firsts...

Our first house
We moved in May 10, 2012

Our first trip to San Fran in honor of our 5 year anniversary

AND.....Our first  baby!

Baby Langley at 7 weeks
Welcome to the world Baby Langley!  You are so loved already!!